ARTICLE I - Name and
Section 1: Name
This chapter shall be called the Big Bend Bassmasters of Ravenswood, West Virginia.
Section 2: Purpose
(a) The general purpose of the chapter club shall be to facilitate the organized support, protection, education and conservation at all levels and the same.(b) More particularly stated, purposes of the corporation include the following; to establish and maintain an organization for the support of sport fishing, and all related recreational and educational fishing, youth and conservation activities conducted in a safe manner. To stimulate the public awareness of angling as a major sport . To educate the public upon the positive economic impact of angling at the national, state and local levels. To offer our state fish and wildlife agencies our organized, conservation feedback, input, political and legislative support and assistance. To promote full adherence to conservation codes, clean water standards, and industry accepted practices which impact the sport of fishing. To support and demand adequate water quality standards, fisheries habitat and fisheries resource management. To protect and guard anglers right’s and demand unfettered ,responsible access to all public waters and facilities, built, supported or otherwise funded in whole or in part by public funds. To detect and report polluters or violators of fish and wildlife conservation laws and to expose violators or polluters and focus political or legal attention upon such violations. To encourage, facilitate and promote youth fishing activities and education and a love for this great recreation. To work to improve our skills as anglers through fellowship and camaraderie of friendly exchange of fish-catching techniques. To teach and promote safe boating and as a practices. Our chapter will function as a dynamic and effective link with our affiliated State Federation and other like-minded groups.
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1: Number of Members
The chapter shall begin with and maintain at least six charter members during the chapter's first six months of existence. After six months, the total number of members shall be determined by the general membership by voting either to accept or reject an applicant for admission into the club.
Section 2: Requirement for Membership
(01-01-92/07-01-94) (06-28-2018)
To become a chapter member, a person shall:
(a) Voluntarily express a genuine interest in membership.
(b) Be a member in good standing of The Bass Federation, Inc. (TBF, Inc.) / FLW and its home state federation approved industry partners.
(c) Be recommended by two members at a regular or special monthly meeting.
(d) Be voted on by membership. Vote shall be by secret ballot and affirmation must be unanimous.
(e) Full membership shall be awarded and membership credentials presented.
(f) Must be 16 years of age or older to be in a adult club.
(g) Must be present at a regular club meeting or special meeting in order to be voted on by membership.
(h) Inactive club members shall be voted on by membership. Vote shall be by secret ballot and affirmation must be unanimous. Inactive club members do not have to be recommended or present at any meeting to be voted on.
Section 3: Requirements for Individual Junior Membership
To become an individual junior member of an adult club, a person shall:
(a) Voluntarily express a true interest in becoming a member and supporting the clubs purpose.
(b) Be less than 18 years of age. *Individual junior members, who are not a member of a junior club, are not required to pay membership dues and are not entitled to the benefits of a regular membership. The inclusion of individual junior members will not affect club’s liability insurance policy. Individual junior members are not covered by the accidental death and dismemberment policy. Individual junior members may not hold any office in a regular adult club nor can they be voting members. At age 16, individual junior members may choose to continue membership as an individual junior member or by joining the regular club as a regular member. All individual junior membership ceases on a person’s 18th birthday.
Section 4: Membership Dues
Even thou our membership dues run from calendar year (Jan. 1st.) to calendar year (Dec. 31st.) the same as the Federation, the membership dues of $100.00 shall be paid annually, payable as of the (#1) first tournament of the New Tournament Trail Year (Fall Schedule) to have the right to fish club tournaments and gain tournament weight even as a active club member, or upon being voted into the chapter. Such club dues will cover the club members TBF/FLW and WVBF membership for the full calendar year.
Any petitions for membership into the club with no more than two tournaments left in the tournament trail year; then their dues shall go toward the new tournament trail year.
Section 5: Membership Meetings
The membership shall hold regular meetings at pre established locations and times.
ARTICLE III - Officers,
Elections, Vacancies, and
Section 1: Officers and Their Duties
The officers of the chapter shall consist of:
(a) President:
Preside over all meetings and direct all official business. Appoint and be an ex officio member of all committees. Supervise all club functions.
(b) Vice President:
Act as program chairman, assist the president in his duties, and preside in the absence of the president.
(c) Secretary:
Maintain accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings as called for by the chapter president. Maintain a regular liaison between the chapter and the The Bass Federation (TBF, Inc./FLW) and The West Virginia Bass Chapter Federation.
(d) Treasurer:
Collect and disburse all monies. Maintain accurate financial records and present a current balance report at each regular meeting. Prepare an annual audit for review by the Chapter Board of Directors. The treasurer and any other officer handling chapter funds must be bonded.
Section 2: Elections
The election of officers shall be held annually at a regular club meeting.
Election shall be by simple majority of members present. Election for each officer shall be held separately in order listed in ARTICLE III, Section 1.
Section 3: Eligibility of Vote
Each member is entitled to one vote. Proxy votes are not permitted.
Section 4: Term of Office
The term of office is for one year, which shall begin on January 1, and end on the last meeting day of December or until the successor assumes office. Original slate of officers shall serve until the last meeting day of the following December.
Section 5: Vacancies
In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked and an election held to fill the unexpired term of the individual vacating the office. The state TBF, Inc., affiliated Federation shall be notified immediately of the change of any officers.
Section 6: Eligibility for Holding
To be eligible for an office a member must:
(a) Have been a member for six months. (Six month requirement waived during first 12 months of chapter existence.
(b) Have attended at least 3/4 of the chapter meetings and 3/4 of chapter functions.
(c) Have shown an active interest in all chapter functions.
ARTICLE IV - Standing
All Standing Committees will serve for one year or until a new committee is appointed. The terms of the committee members will coincide with that of the president.
(a) Board of Directors: The Board of Directors will consist of seven (7) members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past-President, and two (2) members elected at large by majority vote of the members present at the regular meeting in December.
(1) The president will call all meetings of the Board of Directors and preside at such meetings.
(2) The secretary will record the minutes of these meetings.
(3) The board will decide all protests and rule on all violations of the tournament rules and by-laws of the Chapter when appropriately received.
(4) Develop agenda for the monthly meetings.
(b) Youth Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to plan, organize, and implement a Chapter Youth Project; to introduce young people to the goals of TBF, Inc.; to give them a basis for respect of our national heritage, and appreciation of the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play, and good sportsmanship, and to give them an introduction to the sheer joy of fishing.
(c) Conservation Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to protect our natural environment from harmful change; to document and report to the proper authorities violations of local, state, and federal anti-pollution laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances, and other regulatory devices; to take political action to improve our environment; to take legal action where appropriate; to undertake informational and educational programs to bring public awareness to threats to our environment; and to take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already been done to the life-giving waters of America.
(d) Tournament Committee: The purpose of the tournament committee shall be to plan, organize, and operate all Chapter tournaments. The tournament committee will draft tournament rules which must then be approved by the general membership. The committee will keep tournament records, enforce all tournament rules, and investigate all protests concerning tournaments and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE V - Removal of
Section 1: Removal of Membership
(01-01-92) (06-28-2018)
A member shall be dropped from the membership roster for the following:
(a) Failure to pay dues. (inactive status) (Refer to Article II, Section -2, Subsection-h) Requirement for Membership.
(b) Any action which would reflect dishonor and disgrace on this chapter, State Federation or TBF, Inc. (Termination from club…No Exceptions).
ARTICLE VI - Affiliation
Section 1: Requirement for
(a) Certification of Club By-Laws by TBF, Inc..
(b) Update TBF, Inc., with a Chapter membership roster once each year, immediately following election of Chapter officers and Directors.
(c) Names and addresses of new members joining the Chapter during the year must be submitted to the state TBF, Inc., as they occur.
(d) Maintain 100% TBF, Inc., /FLW membership.
(e) Support State TBF Federation conservation and youth programs. State TBF Federation establishes for Any additional requirements that the chapters, such as membership dues, attendance at meetings, etc., would be necessary in order for the chapter to participate in the State TBF, Inc., Federation qualifying tournament(s), and any other TBF, Inc., sponsored tournaments or events.
ARTICLE VII - Method of
Amending the Constitution
Section 1: Amending the Constitution
and By-Laws
The constitution and by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the members present, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership at least one regular club meeting prior to the vote.
At any club-sponsored function, members must abide by the following:
(a) No alcoholic beverages.
(b) No harsh, obscene, or off-color language.
ARTICLE IX - Tournaments
Section 1: Tournament Rules
(a) No Sunday tournaments with the exception of state and national events.
(b) All club tournaments shall have a five (5) fish limit.
(Cannot cull a dead bass, and no dead bass my be weighed for big bass money but may be weighed with total weight minus dead bass penalty.)
(c) All fish brought to the weigh-in site shall be measured on an official measuring board.
(d) All club members shall follow Big Bend Bassmasters tournament rules with the exception of state and national events.
(e) The club secretary shall keep complete tournament records for all tournaments. Appropriate records for all tournaments held in the state of West Virginia must be forwarded to the West Virginia D.N.R. through the proper officials.
(f) The non-boater fee shall be payable to the boater on the day of the tournament.
(g) Non-Boaters Responsibility:
Non-Boaters shall be responsible for any and all accounted damages toward the boater’s boat/truck/boat trailer that would occur while they are fishing any club tournaments of which they are responsible for causing the damage.
Such cost will be paid to the Boater for repairing or replacing such part or parts that are damaged
that the non-boater caused.
If not resolved by the non-boater to take care of damages rendered in a timely manner, then the Board of Directors will take immediate action to settle this problem.
Section 2: Tournament Hours
The number of hours in a club tournament shall be only a maximum of nine ( 9 ) hours.
Tournament hours maybe shortened do to extenuating circumstances.
Section 3: Recognition
(a) The first six club members to finish in the trail final overalls will be recognized as the "Top-Six" in the club for that year, and presented plaques. The club member receiving the "Big Bass Honors" for that year will also be recognized and presented a plaque.